The Palms Playhouse

Live music venue in Winters, CA

Valentine’s Day with Dirty Cello – Friday, February 14 2020

“Dirty Cello’s music is all over the map: funky, carnival, romantic, sexy, tangled, electric, fiercely rhythmic, and textured, and only occasionally classical.” —Lou Fancher, Oakland Magazine.

8:00PM show, 7:30pm doors
$20 advance/$24 at the door

Student, senior and military discounts available.

Dirty Cello is cello like you’ve never heard before.

From China to Italy, Dirty Cello brings the world a high energy and unique spin on blues and bluegrass. Led by vivacious cross-over cellist, Rebecca Roudman, Dirty Cello is cello like you’ve never heard before. From down home blues with a wailing cello to virtuosic stompin’ bluegrass, Dirty Cello is a band that gets your heart thumping and your toes tapping!

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